Sparrows, Finches & Buntings

This is a colour coded guide to how easy it is to see these birds in and around Wanborough. Please note that many of our birds migrate and can only be seen either in the spring/summer or the autumn/winter. This means there will be something to find all year round. If you need help identifying a bird and can't find it here, then try the "Identify a bird" section on the RSPB website.

Click on the images below to see more pictures of our local bird population.

Easy to see around the village, good for new bird spotters to identify

Frequent visitor fairly easy to find around the village and surrounds

More difficult to spot, rare to find in the village, you will have to go looking for these

A rare find, keep your eyes open, you never know you might be lucky.



Spotted in Wanborough or around


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Tree Sparrow

House Sparrow

Can be seen at lots of locations around the village. In particular nesting in the buildings near The Surgery and Church Road


Can be seen at lots of locations around the village. This little colourful bird particularly likes to hang out in the trees around The Hollow with a flock of Goldfinches

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Once an abundant garden visitor, numbers have rapidly declined. As the name says it's a green, finch type bird. Has been seen perched in trees around Upper Wanborough


The most striking and easy to identify British finch, black white and gold with the bright red eye patches. Pretty birds often seen in groups of around 6-8 feeding on thistles and teasels, it's no mistake their collective term is 'A Charm of Goldfinches'. There are plenty flying around Upper Wanborough, Wanborough Plain and the Ridgeway.


Easy to mistake with a Corn Bunting if you cannot hear the call. Seen around Hill Farm and Upper Wanborough during the summer months

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Striking Red bird with a distinctive call. Seen in gardens around the village and Church Meadow

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Common Redpoll


A summer visitor often seen around Wanborough Plain

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Reed Bunting

Corn Bunting

A territorial bird that nests on the ground in the fields around Wanborough Plain and The Ridgeway