White flowers

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Achilea Mileforum - Yarrow
Allaria Petiolata - Jack by the hedge or Garlic Mustard
Anthriscus Sylvestris - Cow Parsley
Arabis hirsuita - Hairy Rock-cress
Bellis Perennis - Daisy
Bryonia Alba - White Bryony
Calystegia Sepium - Hedge Bindweed
Capsella bursa-pastoris - Shepherds purse
Centaurea Scabiosa - Greater Knapweed
Cerastium Vulgatum - Common Mouse Eared Chickweed
Crysanthemum Leucanthemum - Ox-eye Daisy or Margarite
Crysanthemum Parthenium - Feverfew
Daucus Carota - Wild Carrot
Falopia Japonica - Japanese Knotweed
Fillipendula Ulmaria - Meadow Sweet
Frugaria Vesca - Wild Strawberry
Galanthus nivalis - common snowdrop
Galanthus nivalis f.pleniflorus- Double Snowdrops 1
Galanthus Woronowii - Tall Snowdrop
Galium Album - Hedge Bedstraw
Galium Aparine - Goosegrass or cleavers
Heracleum Aphondelium - Hogweed
Hyacinthoides Hispanica - Bluebell
Hyacinthoides Non-Scripta - Bluebell
Kentranthus Ruber - Red Valerian
Lamium Album - White Deadnettle
Lepidium campestre - Pepperwort
Metricaria inodora - Scentless Mayweed or Corn Feverfew
Plantago Lanceollata - Ribwart Plantain
Polygonum Arenastrum - Equal leaved knotgrass
Rosa Arvensis - Field Rose
Stellaria holostea - Greater Stitchwort
Torillis nodosa - Hedge Parsley
Trifolium Repens - White Clover
Urtica Dioica - Common or stinging nettle
Viola Odorata - Sweet Violet